Group therapy has been around for ages and is a very effective way to address issues such as anxiety, depression, body image concerns, and grief – issues many people struggle with in isolation. The truth is, we often get more out of group-experiences than individually. Added bonus: group therapy costs less per session than individual therapy!​


Adults, Age 18+, All Gender Identities

Meal support groups are 60-90 minutes and provide a safe and supportive environment for people to connect with peers, give and receive and support, and work toward your eating disorder recover. During meal support you can expect:

  • Empathetic support during the meal, while encouraging them to complete their meals and snacks during an allotted time frame (30-45 minutes, and 15-30 minutes)
  • A calming atmosphere, with light-hearted conversation for mild distraction
  • Gentle reminders to resist eating disorder behaviors at the meal (manipulating food, body-checking, etc.) and encouraging more normalized eating behaviors
  • Occasional time updates to encourage normalized pacing of the meal, as eating disorders can cause individuals to either eat very fast or very slow
  • Participants set their own intentions for the meal, which they decide whether to share. Examples of intentions include eating the food on their plate, incorporating a feared or challenging food, or eating a meal recommended their dietitian.
  • After meals are completed, meal support is continued for 45 minutes. This helps to discourage acting on any eating disorder urges such as purging or body-checking and allows for needed support as emotional distress can peak after eating.

Meal Support Group is Appropriate if...

  • You have been diagnosed with an eating disorder or struggle with disordered eating behaviors (including dieting) and need support with eating normally. 
  • You have an outpatient dietitian or therapist who has recommended meal support, but not at a higher level of care such as IOP/PHP or Residential treatment.
  • You can complete a full meal in 30-45 minutes, if you feel safe and supported.
  • You have a good sense of what and how much you need to eat. 
  • You know you are more likely to eat adequately when you are not alone for meals and when others model normal eating.  
  • When: Lunch Daily, 12:00 pm
  • Where: Online, you will need a quiet/private area with good internet connection and a device with a camera
  • Who: This group is for adults in recovery for eating disorder and facilitated by Marah McAleer, LMFT, LMHC
  • How: Call today to sign up (863)-600-8255 or sign up online 

Teens, Age 12-15, All Gender Identities

This group is designed for young teens or “early adolescents”… an age when you’re managing school stress, peer pressures, household responsibilities, figuring out who you are, and all that while facing uncharted levels of hormones! Phew, it can be overwhelming. In this small group, we’ll get a chance to talk through life’s challenges with peers, learn important skills, and take steps toward personalized goals. It’s not too late to join! 

  • When: Meeting Thursday nights, 8-9 pm 
  • Where: Online, you will need a quiet/private area with good internet connection and a device with a camera
  • Who: This group is for young teens (12-15) and will be facilitated by Marah McAleer, LMFT, LMHC
  • How: Call today to sign up (863)-600-8255 or sign up online 
Online Counseling

(863) 600-8255

If you are having an emergency, call 911 or visit an emergency room.
If you’re in the Tampa Bay area and need immediate crisis assistance, please contact 211.